Welcome to St George's church
The Table - community cafe
Our main Sunday services are in church at 10am and 4pm
We welcome everyone to all of our services.
We also have a service of Communion at 9.30am
every Wednesday in church.
Much more goes on for our community during the week as well, from coffee mornings and lunch clubs to bereavement support, toddler, youth and ukulele groups.
The church building is also open when The Table is open
Monday to Saturday 9.30am-2.30pm
to visit and for private prayer.
The world is an uncertain place. Much has changed in the past few years, as has a lot that we do.
Thankfully, God never changes.
The good news of Jesus reminds that God is not aloof to the suffering of the world. His own Son Jesus came and died for us. He loved us so much that he willingly went to the cross.
In the face of death he stated,
'I am the resurrection and the life'
The gospel reminds us that there is life after death, the hope of eternity to all who come to him in faith and nothing is beyond the forgiveness of God, so come to Jesus, confess your sin and
put your hope in him
If you want to talk about the hope that we have, please do get in touch.

Cuppa, Cake and Company
(Our Drop in Coffee morning)
is open Monday and Friday, 10-11.30am
Our Lunch club (Meet & Eat) runs twice a month on Wednesdays for a light lunch. If you would like to join us, please book through the office. There are usually a couple of spaces if you just turn up.
Click here for details
Our Toddler Group runs every Tuesday from 9.30am in term time.
4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Our Sunday Service recordings can be found on YouTube
We are a local Anglican church serving the parish of Fatfield
(Villages of Harraton, Rickleton, Fatfield, Mount Pleasant, Picktee and beyond)
We welcome everyone, whoever you are.
Our mission is to be, make and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Our goal is to be a Christian family of people who serve our community and each other, united in the good news of Jesus.

Our Vicar
Our Vicar, Nick has been serving us for twelve years along with his wife, Lucy and two children, Elisheba and Raph. You can read an article about him here.
Feel free to ask me anything.
'There is so much going on in our parish, from the lunch club and drop in, through to the youth and children's work, there is something here for everyone in the community.'
We are so grateful to the Lord that the exciting plans in our vision to create a community facility to serve the people of the local community are happening.
Our Church
Our worship is Anglican in its roots, but music varied in style. A more anglican service at 10 am with a small music group singing both traditional hymns and more contemporary music and a service at 4pm that varies from informal to more traditional evening prayer.
Regardlesss of style, there is always a message taken from the bible and applied to our daily lives.
There are many other ways to connect with God and find a home with us. Look through our website to find out more of what goes on in our busy church. We welcome eveyone no matter who you are, how you are feeling or whatever your background.
Visit us
There is some parking outside St George's Church, including 2 parking spots. There is more parking in the layby (New Road) at the bottom of the churchyard, accessible from Bonemill Lane. Please use this area rather than Vigo Lane if the church car park is full.
The Table (our volunteer run community cafe) is open daily 9.30am-2.30pm apart from Sundays.
Contact Form
If you wish to contact us, please use the contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Our Churchyard is beautifully kept by hardworking volunteers.