Baptism at St George's.


Baptism is both a joyful and significant step in life, both for infants and those choosing to make this decision for themselves. In the bible, Acts chapter 2, we find that on the first day of the Christian church 3000 people were baptised when they chose to repent and follow Jesus as their Lord and King. Later on we find whole families baptised as they came to believe in Jesus and find salvation in him.


If you would like to find out more about baptisms, whether for yourself or an infant, please get in touch with our church office and we will arrange a time to talk about your hopes, the meaning and significance of baptism and how to arrange one.


It is normal for families to attend one of our church services a few times to get to know us a little before we book baptism dates in. Our services are family friendly, so do bring little ones along with you if you like.


People choosing to be baptised as adults (and older children) will normally have a series of preparation sessions thinking through the commitment to Christ that baptism signifies.

What is Baptism?


Baptism is a symbol of the spiritual realities that come through faith in Christ, those of belonging to Christ and being forgiven our 'sin'. Sin may seem like a quaint word in the 21st century, but in the bible sin is described as a problem deep inside us. It leads us to rebel against God and live lives without him involved. It is so serious that one biblical writer tells us, 'The wages of sin is death.'


The two powerful symbols that we see in baptism, those of belonging to Christ and forgiveness of sin, point towards the love of God in Jesus.


In baptism, we are sharing in Jesus' death and sharing in his life. His death on the cross is what brings us forgiveness. He takes our death, our 'wages of sin' on himself as we turn to him in faith for that forgiveness and life.

Jesus' resurrection points to his victory over sin and death. It promises us a new life, a fresh start and a spiritual purpose, as well as confidence in eternal life after we die in this world



We are delighted that you are thinking about a Christian wedding at St George's. It is wonderful when two people make a marriage commitment to each other as husband and wife, both in law and before God, our creator and saviour. There are many things to think about in planning a wedding, so please contact us for more details or to arrange to see us.


We can also host the reception in our annexe following your wedding here.


There are various rules about who may be married in any particular parish church. One of these is to have a 'qualifying' connection to that church


If you do not qualify this way, it is possible to come onto the electoral roll and still have a wedding here.


Take a look at St George's here


Further useful information can be found at yourchurchwedding.

Qualifying Connections


A person has a Qualifying Connection with a parish and is therefore able to be married in the parish church if that person:

- was baptised in the parish.

- had his or her confirmation entered in a church register book of a church or chapel in the parish

- has at any time had his or her usual place of residence in the parish for at least 6 months

- has at any time habitually attended public worship in the parish for at least 6 months;


or a Parent of that person has at any time during that person’s lifetime:

- had his or her usual place of residence in the parish for at least 6 months

- habitually attended public worship in the parish for at least 6 months

- a Parent or Grandparent of that person was married in the parish.


Only one person in the party (i.e. the bride or the groom) has to be able to demonstrate a connection.


If you are not sure whether you qualify in any of these ways, this does not mean you cannot get married at St George's. It is possible for anyone to get married here by coming on to the electoral roll. Please do contact us if you wish to know more about weddings and getting married at St George'
