Give to Support our mission
Click on the image above to give directly to Support our mission to serve and support the local community through 'Givealittle'.
You can also support us through 'Stewardship'
If eligible, these can collect gift aid as well.
You can also set up a standing order and gift aid your gift to us thorugh the forms below.
please complete and send/email it to us and our works will benefit by £1.25 for every £1.00 you give
for use if you wish to set up a regular donation.

World Giving
St George's church serves both its local community and further afield. The church commits financially to support a number of charities and organisations that work to touch communities around the world, including those in Lesotho through the Durham Lesotho link.
Each year we invite the congregation to nominate twelve charities that fit with the mission of Christ in the world and in total we share 10% of our free income with others in need. We do this to model the teaching on tithing that Christ gives us.

All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I had been eager to do all along'
Galatians 2:10
On top of financial giving, St George's actively supports 'Washington Community Food Project' through collecting food and other needed items. Collecting boxes can be found in church. We also distribute food parcels locally. If you are in need, please contact the office and they will help you with the process.
We also collect and share clothes and other items with 'Wearside Women in Need' and 'a charity shop in Chester-le-Street that supports an orphanage and other work with the poor in Kenya.
Jesus challenges us to use our lives, resources and gifts to glorify God, and that includes our income. It is right to step out in faith and give to support Christian ministry and to help the poor around the world. Supporting the local church is an important part of this as it is the local church that proclaims the gospel to and serves the local community.
In Matthew 16 v18 Jesus promises, 'I will build my church.' Jesus’ people are to called to be a part of a body of believers, the church, giving themselves joyfully to service of God and others. This is so that local churches can grow, more churches be planted, more people reached, and more lives changed by the good news of Jesus Christ.
Jesus calls us to a life of generosity in response to his generosity to us shown most keenly by dying for us on the cross. To support the local church, many Christians choose to tithe their income and Jesus upholds this Old Testament practice in Matthew 23 v23. (A tithe is 10% of income.) Others simply give generously out of what the Lord has blessed them with.
St George's run an envelope scheme for those who wish to give directly, for more information please speak with a church warden or the office. The best way to support the ministry here is by setting up a regular standing order through the bank. Both of these methods are tax efficient ways of giving if you fill in the gift aid form below.

Thinking about Giving
A thought provoking talk on Acts 4:32-5:16 titled, 'Generosity in Giving,' is available to listen to here.
People sometimes ask where our church spends money given to her. Others wrongly believe that the Church of England has billions of pounds to spend and just wastes its money. The local church is entirely funded by local support and without that support it cannot function.
The greatest expense of the church is the stipend of a full time member of staff, without whom much of the church work could not happen, but there are many costs to keeping the doors open, from heating and water to printing and maintenance.
Below are some links to highlight where St George's spends money gifted to it and details about generous giving.
The Value of Ministry at St George's.
Thoughts from the Generous Giving blog.

CAP (Christians Against Poverty) Money
The CAP money course is a simple 3 session course that aims to help you create and manage a budget effectively.
Contact us or CAP to book a place or find out more about CAP as we run this course whenever it is needed.
Many people who benefit from this free course are not in any financial difficulty, but find that they have more money to spend as they get a better grip on their finances. Others may be struggling to make ends meet on their monthly income and/or benefits but likewise find themselves better off as they implement CAPs ideas.
Over three sessions, participants look at where money is spent, where savings can be made, how to budget for unexpected emergencies and ensure all the essentials can be paid for and debts paid off.
Whilst this is all done as a small group, you do not disclose your own personal financial details with others. Anything you do choose to share will be held in total confidence.
For those who have serious debt problems there is also CAP money plus and the CAP debt centres which are run by CAP themselves - if you find yourself in this situation, we can direct you to where there is further help.
Longer term we have a vision to provide debt centre counselling here in Washington, but do not yet have the finances to fund this ministry. If you wish to support us in this aim, there are more details about giving here.
Whether you simply want to manage your money better or find yourself in serious financial trouble, don't suffer in silence. Contact us in the office or go direct to CAP.
Speak to the office if you would like to know more. Our next course will run to suit the needs of enquirers. If you would like help in this area, do contact us as we want to help and we will do our best to accomodate you.
There is much more about Christians Against Poverty on the CAP website.
notes about giving
- Matt 6v3 - Give quietly without seeking praise.
- Live generously. assume that Christians are trying to do what is right, unless it is obviously sinful or heretical.
- If its just about your preference, Heb 13v17, firstly listen to and trust those elected by God and the church to lead – get involved if you want change.
- Matthew 23v23, Jesus upholds the Jewish concept of tithing (giving 10%).
- If you have a will, consider putting a tithe in your will, perhaps much more.
- In 2 Corinthians 8 & 9. Paul commends joyful and willing giving, not guilt or compulsion. In the church there should be no needy among you we are told in Acts 4:34.
- The local church. If the church loves Jesus and is faithfully trying serve others, to teach the bible and make disciples then that is a good church to support.
- There may be other faithful local churches that are in need.
- Where is God drawing your heart? - different area of the world, missionaries, etc?
- Supporting people you know and trust ensures you know where the money is going.
- Examine the mission of what you are giving to? Is it about serving Christ and fulfilling the works that he calls us to?
- Will it cure the cancer of the soul, the disease of the heart (sin) or help those in poverty?