Young people on Sunday


Young people are welcome to all our services and there are tables at the back that families can sit around if you prefer. The 10 a.m. service is quite informal and children are often included in the service.


We know some parents feel uncomfortable when little ones make a noise or run around, but you really are very welcome however energetic they are. Just as Jesus welcomed babies and little children, so do we!


On Sundays at 10am, there are optional groups for 3-11 year olds where young people are able to have some fun and learn a bit more about God, Jesus, faith and life. Helping our young people to grow up with a richer understanding of faith in the real world is at the heart of our church, particularly in a world that can be so unpredictable and challenging where faith can help us put everything in its right perspective.


11-18's have their own youth group at the vicarage on Thursdays after school (4pm-6pm)


Please contact the office for details. All our leaders have appropraite safeguarding training and DBS certificates


Youth group 


Our youth group runs on Thursdays at 4pm at the vicarage.


It is for young people aged 11-18.


The group is a safe place for young people to talk about issues they face, build friendships, have some fun, occasionally watch films, share food and think more about who Jesus is, who God is and what he wants of us. 


Contact us for further details.


Youth Club


On the first Thursday of each month in the Community Annexe - 4pm-6pm


Darts, Table Football, Table Tennis, Pool, Board Games and other activities


Open to all aged 12+



Youth Film afternoon/evening



Starting Monthly from March 2025. 


For those aged 12+ a film, fun food and discussion - in the Community Annexe.


Dates each month will be confirmed, contact the office for more details.


Youth holidays


Every year, thousands of young people go on venture camps. There are camps for 11-14 year olds and 14-18 year olds. 


The camps consist of outdoor activities, fun events, games, music and time to stop and think about faith in life.


Check out the Ventures site for details of CYFA ventures nationally. If you would like details of the camp some of our young people go on, please get in touch.


There are now camps for ages 8-12 - details here







Through the year there are numerous activities and one off events that young people can get involved in.


Craft events are put on at Christmas and Easter and there is always a summer holidays food and fun week.


Once our annexe is completed we will begin fundraising for a youth workr that we hope will open up many more possibilities.




Every Tuesday from 9.30am during term time, the church toddlers group meets for parents, carers and infants age 0-4 for fun and friendship in the church. - due to popularity, if you have not been before, please contact the office as we have had to start a waiting list.


St George's toddler group gives you the chance to meet others with young children in a safe environment and have some fun in the process. There are plenty of age appropriate toys spread around 


The toddler group also provides refreshments, singing and sometimes includes an infant friendly bible story. At Christmas we have a toddler service in the church and there is a picnic in the summer.

These will restart and be revamped in the future when the resources beome available.


Monday Club


Children are found at the heart of many gospel stories and therefore in serving Jesus, we love to serve the community by putting things on for young people. Monday club runs during term time for any young people aged 7-11 at 6.15 p.m. for an hour each Monday.


There is lots of fun, games, crafts and a story to think about. The young people who come love it and come from all over the parish.


All Age


Our all age group is exactly that; from babes in arms, children and teenagers through to mums, dads and even great grandparents who enjoy being part of the fun.


We are planning to revamp all age and start afresh in the coming months


At the end, most people stay to share a simple meal together. We always get a chance to stop and think about the bigger things of life by looking at a bible story and see how God can guide us in this busy and unpredictable world.