Links Page
Here are a few links you might find useful or interesting.
We don't have any control over the content of the web pages you can click through to and we make no promises and take no responsibility for their suitability. Web pages also change frequently, so we don't always know exactly what is on the other end of a link. There might be good things on some pages, but we might not support everything that is said on them. Surf safely & if you think any of our links are unsuitable, please let us know.
Re:Jesus - lots of stuff on prayer, finding out more about Jesus and the journey of faith.
Christianity Explored - answers to tough questions and discovering the real Jesus and real life stories
Alpha - finding out about the meaning of life
The Gospel Coalition - reflecting biblically on every day issues and theological discussions
Centre for Public Christianity - Some interesting and varied points of view on both history and current issues.
Search the Bible, see how the Bible is changing lives and find out about the Bible
Young People and Children
What's in the bible - clips and thoughts from your favourite puppets
Changing Lanes - Christianity explained for teenagers
Science & Religion
Christians have differing views of Creation, but many believe there is no conflict between science and faith.
Biologos - BioLogos invites the church and the world to see the harmony between science and biblical faith
The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion is an interdisciplinary research enterprise at St Edmund's College, Cambridge.
Veritas Forum - events that engage students and faculty in discussions about life’s hardest questions and the modern relevance of Jesus Christ
Apologetics - Arguements for the truth of Christianity and Christian living
Solas - Centre for Public Christianity
Reasonable Faith - Defending Biblical Christianity
CARM - Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
Living out - Christianity & sexuality
Bible - Are the four gospels in the bible accurate and were there others?
10 of those - Christian books and resources that have big discounts and they read the books they sell first.
Desiring God - free books, aticles, sermons and thoughts.
For a bit of humour and Christian satire, check out The Babylon Bee
It comes with a health warning though as sometimes it cuts pretty close to the bone,,,,
The Diocese of Durham web pages
The Church of England Website (Has lots about the Church of England)
Daily Prayer (Church of England site)