Christmas Eve crafts
2pm-4pm - come along and make a Christmas craft, enjoy hot drinks and Christmas treats and hear the Christmas story with a twist.

Christmas Eve Family Carols
6pm our former Christingle service keeps all the fun and family friendly joy as we celebrate the boirth of Jesus together

Christmas Day Celebration
10am - family friendly and open to all. a short celebration of the birth of Jesus with communion.

Nativity Service
Sunday 15th December at 10am
open to all but with costumes and story aimed at children.

Carols by Candlelight
Sunday 22nd Decmber at 4pm
9 lessons and carols in a traditional format. open to all and followed by coffee, tea and mince pies.

Carols on the Terrace
Thursday 19th December at 6.30pm
Outdoor carol singing with hot soup and drinks available on the New Terrace at
St George's Church

Carols in the Courtyard
At Washington Arts Centre
6.30pm on Friday 20th December

Midnight Communion
Christmas Eve starting at 11.15pm