LENT 2025
Open to all who want to get together and develop skills in caring for others
Exploring Pastoral Care
Each Wednesday 7.30 to 9pm 5th March to 16th April
or Thursday 1 pm to 2.30pm 6th March to 17th April
Session 1 – 5th & 6th March 2025
A Christian Perspective What makes Christian pastoral care distinctive?
We explore how we might view pastoral care from a Christian perspective considering how God creates us in His image, invites us into relationship with Him, and both intervenes and involves us in His mission of reconciliation.
Session 2 – 12th & 13th March
Dimensions and Definitions How do we describe
pastoral care?
This session we explore the different dimensions and definitions of pastoral care, looking at our personal experiences of being cared for and of caring for others and attempt to find a definition that would embrace these and our Christian perspectives.
Session 3 – 19th & 20th March
Who Cares? Who is called to care and who do we care for?
This session the question ‘who cares’ will be considered, looking at: who is called to care and who are we called to care for?
Session 4 – 26th & 27th March
Caring Qualities, What do these look like and how did Jesus care?
This session considers the different caring qualities needed if we are to offer pastoral care well and explores how Jesus cared for people.
Session 5 – 2nd & 3rd April
Listening Why is it important to listen to others, ourselves and God?
This session we consider the crucial skill of listening in pastoral care, not only to others but ourselves and God.
Session 6 – 9th & 10th April
Confidentiality and Resources Why is confidentiality important and what resources can we use?
We finish by considering how we take care of confidentiality and the use of other resources, as well as looking at where we go from here in applying all that we have been learning.